On 5th November 2014 we learnt of the death of Frank Reedy. He and his wife, June, who died in January 2012, were original members of the Tirhatuan Park Golf Club. Their generosity in providing funding for the establishment and ongoing prizemoney to support the Frank and June Reedy Shield in Saturday competition and the Tirhatuan Salver for the Wednesday Ladies golf has been very much appreciated. These competitions are still held in their name.

Rupert Sullivan passed away 14th June 2015.
He was a long time member of Tirhatuan Golf Club, Handicapper from 2004 to 2007, President 2006 and 2007. Rupert generously donated many prizes for Trivia nights, and presented the club with the trophy cabinet in the club rooms

Billie joined the club in 1990 and was a keen member – though a non-playing member for the last few years.
She will be remembered for her friendship and support to the members of the Club.

We knew him as Jock, and learnt to be wary when he was riding his motorised cart near us. Jock was a member from 2002 until 2016.

John Hutchison’s (Jock) daughter, Jan, also a member from 2012 until her passing in 2014. She is remembered with the garden at the 7th tee.

Val joined the ladies golf club in 1991. She was a dynamic personality and it is not surprising she became the Ladies President from 2000 to 2003, and a committee member from 2010 to 2013 and made a Life Member.
She was part of many winning teams in Pennant and at other Clubs open tournaments. Everyone knew when Val had helped to win the event.
Her vivacious personality will be much missed.

Corrie Veugelers passed away on 28th April 2022.
She joined the Club in 2011 and was quickly recognized for her friendliness and helpfulness. She was also renowned for her excellent baking talents.
Corrie was Ladies President in 2013 and 2014.

Barbara Finighan passed away 14th October 2022.
Barb was a very valued and loved member for 25 years.
She held the position of Ladies captain and represented the Club many times at Pennant and bowls at other Clubs.
Her cheerful nature and infectious laugh are greatly missed.